CSDC1 202 Data Structures

1.  Sparse matrices Program

2.1 . Write a program to compute br using recursion where b represents base and r represents power

2.2 . Write a program to reverse a user entered string using recursion

3. Write a program to perform Queue operations using Circular Array implementation (Use Templates)

4.1 . Write a program to add two large integers using stack

4.2 . Write a program to evaluate postfix expression using stack

5. Write a program to implement Linked List using templates

6.1 . Write a program to perform the Stack operations using linked list . Push, Pop and Clear

6.2 . Write a program to create and perform the operations on Queues using linked list: a. Enqueue b. Dequeue

7. Write a program timplement Doubly Linked List using templates. Include functions for insertion, deletion and search of a number , revers the list

8. Write a program to implement Circular Linked List using templates. Include functions for insertion, deletion and search of a number , revers the list

9. Write a program to add two polynomials using linked list representation

10. Write a menu driven program to implement the operations in an ordered linked list

11. Write a Program to reverse elements of a Stack using an additional Stack

12. Write a Program to reverse elements of a Stack using an additional Queue

13. Write a menu driven program to implement the operations in a Binary Search Tree

14. Write a menu driven program to implement the sorting and searching algorithms

15. Write a program to create a Hash Table that allows insertion, deletion and s searching for an element

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